We can work with you in a very specific and custom way, as no two people have the same needs. What do you specifically want to achieve?

  • Increase revenues, while decreasing costs?
  • Are you in private equity and want to know who will be left standing?
  • Involved in a deal and want guidance?
  • Need consulting on a monthly basis? 
  • Seeking resources to accelerate your business processes?
  • Collaboration partners either locally or globally?
  • I’ve had the privilege to help individuals from Japan to Norway and from Canada to Colombia and all points in-between.

Are you ready for some help?

Whether it is a deal structure, executive recruiting, expert witness help, strategic planning, let me know how I can help you avoid the pitfalls in the solar industry to save you time and make you more money.

We will see more consolidation in the industry moving forward and diversification into energy services.

We believe software will be at the forefront of innovation and managing generation and consumption on site will be one of the largest opportunities in the energy space in 100 years.

The question will be: will you get a piece of the opportunity that you deserve?

Private Client Program

Come see how we can work together to solve your biggest challenges.

Hawaii and Your Neighborhood

Postcard from the future


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